Friday, August 25, 2006


Scholarship Information

Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association Scholarships: All students are encouraged to apply. There are two for $1,000 each. Email to have the requirements and application emailed to you.

Dorothy L. Weller P.E.O. Scholarship
Purpose: For California women in the field of law
Field of study: Law
Type: Upper division / Graduate
Eligibility: California resident, enrolled in an accredited college or university or a licensed paralegal school.
Selection criteria: Integrity of character, scholastic ability, school/community activities and financial need
Award Amount: Varies annually (range of $2,000 - $2,500 in 2006)
Number of Awards: Varies annually (9 awards in 2006)
Timeline: Request an application in Fall of the year (beginning September 1, and no later than February 1st.)
Completed applications must be postmarked no later than February 10th.
Visit for an application.

is pleased to offer the 2007 LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell Client Review Fellowship. The Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) was founded in 1997 to advocate for the expanded hiring, retention, and promotion of minority attorneys in corporate law departments and the law firms that serve them. MCCA accomplishes its mission through the collection and dissemination of information about diversity in the legal profession.

LexisNexis is the leading provider of client development solutions for the legal profession. For more than 138 years, generations of lawyers have relied on LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell as the authoritative resource for information on the worldwide legal profession. MCCA’s new LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell Client Review Fellowship was created through the financial generosity of LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell to support the continued development of third year law students as they approach graduation and entry into the legal profession. Fellows will embody a commitment to academic excellence, leadership, community service, and diversity in the legal profession.
In 2007, one Fellow will be selected for this prestigious award and he/she will receive a one-time gift of $15,000.00 which will be presented on November 7, 2007 in New York, NY.
The Fellowship is open to all students who will enter their third/final year of law school in Fall 2007 with an anticipated graduation date of Spring 2008. Joint-degree candidates who will receive their J.D. in Spring 2008 are also eligible to apply.
The selection criteria include:
• Academic achievement during law school, as reflected by a cumulative minimum "B" or 3.0 grade point average
• Demonstrated leadership potential
• Participation in community service
• Commitment to advancing diversity
This is a competitive application process. Applicants must complete this application form and submit it along with each of the following supplemental items. All application materials must be clipped together and submitted in hard copy format via U.S. mail or courier (e.g. FedEx, UPS, DHL, delivery service, etc.). MCCA will not accept applications sent via email or fax. Incomplete applications will be discarded. Enclose the following with your completed application form:
• A current academic transcript (official or unofficial) – please note that authenticity will be verified with your law school.
• A current resume.
• A typed essay of 750 words or less outlining your plans and goals upon graduation from law school and how this fellowship may assist you in furthering these goals. It must also address your views regarding the importance of diversity and how you hope to contribute toward advancing diversity in the legal profession. Optional: In addition to the above, you may also wish to address any exigent circumstances or obstacles you’ve had to overcome to matriculate law school, including personal financial hardship, if applicable.
Application Deadline: October 1, 2007
LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell Client Review Fellowship
Please type or print clearly to provide the following information. All questions require an answer except that the disclosure of race/ethnicity or other minority status is optional. However, MCCA requests that you voluntarily disclose this information too. MCCA uses data on race/ethnicity or other minority status solely for our own internal recordkeeping and for purposes of evaluating the effectiveness of our outreach to diverse demographic groups. Please help us understand whether our outreach efforts are working.

Your application materials must be received on or before October 1, 2007. Return completed application by October 1, 2007 to:
MCCA/LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell Fellows Program
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Applications will be accepted in hard copy only by mail or courier.
No applications will be accepted by fax or email.
Unsigned or incomplete applications will be discarded.
Student Name
Law School
Application Materials Checklist:
[] A completed and signed application form (4 pages) [] Official or Unofficial Current Law School Transcript
[] Personal Essay (limit: 750 words) [] Optional: Current resume submitted in lieu of answering Part III questions

The GRAMMY Foundation® Presents the10TH ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENT LAW INITIATIVEWRITING COMPETITIONCo-Sponsored by the American Bar Association Forum on the Entertainmentand Sports IndustriesThe ELI Essay Competition invites law students focusing on theentertainment practice to write a 3,000-word paper on a compelling legaltopic facing the music industry today. The contest culminates with thewinning student authors presenting their essays at the prestigious ELIluncheon on February 8, 2008.AWARDS:First Place Winner Receives $5,000Four Semifinalists Receive $1,500ALL WINNERS RECEIVE:One GRAMMY Awards Show TicketRound Trip Ticket to the GRAMMY Awards in Los AngelesHotel AccommodationsTicket to The MusiCares Person of the Year Tribute Dinner honoringAretha FranklinSUBMISSIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY DECEMBER 20TH, 2007Winners will be announced on February 1, 2008.For complete contest rules, send an e-mail to The GRAMMY Foundation's Entertainment Law Initiative (ELI) was conceivedas a means to recognize and further develop the bond between the legalprofession and the recording community with the goal of resolving issuesconfronting the music industry. One of the premier educationalinitiatives of ELI is the national legal writing contest and scholarshipprogram, which is co-sponsored by the American Bar Association Forum onthe Entertainment and Sports Industries. Law students from across thecountry are invited to research, analyze and submit essays regardingimportant issues facing the industry.

These following scholarships were from 2006; however, many are likely to be offered again this year. We will continue to update these as we receive more information.

ABA Writing Contests

Take 5 Scholarship. One winner will be drawn at the end of each month (February 2007-June 2007). You can enter once per month. Visit If you have any questions, please call 1-800-KEY-LEND (1-800-539-5363).

StraightForward Media Law School Scholarship. Deadlines: September 30, December 31, March 31, June 30. Amount: $500. Visit

StraightForward Media Minority Scholarship. Deadlines: Same as above. Amount: $500. Visit Available to current and prospective students of color.

International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC) Legal Writing Contest. Deadline: April 23. Amount: $500-$2,000. Visit Must write on a topic that deals with legal defense. Preference given to topics that transcend state or provincial borders.

Alia Herrera Memorial ATLA Auxiliary Scholarship. Deadline: April. Amount: $3,000. Visit Must be an ATLA member, 2L or 3L, 500-word essay.

The Olive W. Garvey Fellowship
Available to undergraduate and graduate students under the age of 35. You must write an essay addressing the following question: “Is foreign aid the solution to global poverty?”
Since 1974, the internationally acclaimed Olive W. Garvey Fellowship program has awarded fellowships biennially to outstanding college students around the world through a competitive essay contest on the meaning and significance of economic and personal liberty.
Garvey Fellows have since become some of the finest of scholars, business and civic leaders, journalists, etc., applying and advancing public knowledge and appreciation around the world for the ideas of individual liberty and personal responsibility.
Award Amount : $2,000
Deadline: May 1, 2007

A Better Earth Essay Contest. Deadline: May 31. Amount: $250-$2,000. Visit Must be 25 years of age or younger by time of deadline. Must submit a 2,500 word essay on a selected topic.

iLiberty Essay Contest. Deadline: May 31. Amount: $250-$2,000. Visit

Pacific Legal Foundation Presents: The Eighth Annual Program for Judicial Awareness Writing Competition, Amount: (1st) $5,000, (2nd) $3,000, (3rd) $1,500. Deadline: May 31.
The Program for Judicial Awareness will award up to three cash prizes for publishable essays that address one of the following topics. Multiple prizes may be awarded for each topic should entries warrant. Entries should thoroughly address pertinent case law and applicable academic literature.

TOPIC I: The Supreme Court found in Grutter v. Bollinger that achieving racial diversity in law school classrooms is a compelling state interest sufficient to overcome the Equal Protection Clause’s ban on treating individuals differently because of their race. This term, the Court will determine whether the same rationale applies to race-based school assignments in K-12 public education. How should the Court rule on this issue, and why?

TOPIC II: Evaluate this statement: “Constitutional protection of private property rights is not absolute. When the rights of property owners come into conflict with fundamental environmental values, private rights must yield to the common good.”

TOPIC III: The Clean Water Act gives the federal government authority to regulate or prohibit activity that could pollute the “navigable waters” of the United States. It is universally agreed that the Act also authorizes federal regulation of wetlands, but the extent of that authority is not well defined. In Rapanos v. United States, Justice Scalia’s plurality opinion held that federal regulatory jurisdiction exists only over wetlands that are adjacent to (i.e., abut) “a relatively permanent body of water connected to traditional interstate navigable waters,” and where the wetland has a continuous surface connection with the adjacent water body such that the two are “indistinguishable.” In his concurring opinion, Justice Kennedy advanced a different test: that federal jurisdiction extends to any wetlands that “significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity” of navigable-in-fact waters.Which of these competing standards should lower courts apply in cases dealing with federal regulation of wetlands under the CWA?

ELIGIBILITY RULES: All submissions must be original works of publishable quality written by a student currently enrolled in an accredited law school or graduate school in the United States and should comply with the Harvard Law Review Association’s Bluebook Uniform System of Citation (17th ed.), or the Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.). There is no page limit for entries, although, as an informal guide, a word count of between 8,000 to 14,000 words is suggested. All entries must be postmarked by no later than May 31, 2007. Electronic submissions are welcome and should be sent to on or before the deadline date. All electronically submitted entries must be submitted in pdf form. Submissions that have been published before May 15, 2007, will be considered ineligible.

Seventeenth Annual Law Student Writing Competition. Provided by the American Judges Association. Deadline: June 1. Amount: $1,000-$3,000. Visit
Open to full-time law students. Must submit an original and unpublished essay.

Tannenwald Writing Competition. Amount: $1,500-$3,500. Deadline: June 30. Visit Must submit a paper on any tax-related topic involving any type of tax (income, estate, gift, property, sales, excise, etc.). Your paper must also be sponsored by a professor at your law school.

OP Loftbed Scholarship. Deadline: July 31. Visit

DRI Law Student Diversity Scholarship. Amount: $10,000. Deadline: August 1. Visit

Dean’s Graduate Merit Scholarship- University of San Diego. Deadline: ? Amount: ? Visit http:/// Open to graduate students at University of San Diego.

Akademos/Textbook X Scholarship. Deadline: October 31. Amount: $250-$2,000. Visit 750-word essay on the following topic: What role, if any, should entertainment celebrities play in American public life?

NBLSA Scholarships. Amount: Not less than $500. Deadline: November 1. Essays available August 31. Visit
--Sandy Brown Memorial, for 1Ls and 2Ls only.
--Nelson Mandela, for 1Ls only.
--Rodney Pulliam Memorial, $500 towards a BarBri course. Scholarship. Deadline: November 1. Amount: $500. Visit One or both of your parents must be African-American and you must submit a 500-word essay on why you think (or don’t think) that African-Americans are living in oppression.

Delzone Research Lemon "Aid" Scholarship. Deadline: November 24, 2006. Award Amount: $1000 . The Delzone Research Lemon "Aid" Scholarship is available to students who are currently enrolled or expecting to be enrolled in an accredited postsecondary institution in business, law or arts. To be eligible, you must submit an essay of 500-2,000 words that answers the following questions: What is lemon law? In your opinion, what state offers the best protection for the consumer in regards to lemon law? In the state you decided offered the best protection, do you require a lemon law attorney to fight your case and, if so, who pays the attorney's fees?

The San Diego Foundation has 100 different scholarships for San Diego area students. Last year $1.2 million was awarded to 375 students. Deadline: January 26. Detailed information is available online: Scholarship Program. Deadline: December 31. Amount: Varies, up to $5,000. Visit http://www. You must submit a 50-200 word essay on who has had the greatest impact on your life, and a 50-200 word essay on what you hope to achieve in your personal and professional life after college. A. Bannister Scholarship. Deadline: January 15. Amount: $1,200. Visit In fewer than 500 words, why are you deserving of the A. Bannister Scholarship.

Bert W. Levit Essay Contest Provided by: American Bar Association Deadline: February 17, 2007 Award Amount: $5000 Website The Bert W. Levit Essay Contest is available to law students and young lawyers. You must submit a paper relating to a lawyers liability for aiding and abetting a clients breach of fiduciary duty. You must also be a member of the Young Lawyers' Division or Law Student Division of the ABA to be eligible for this award.

The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides grants to students actively working for peace and justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded to those able to do academic work at the university level and who are part of the progressive movement on the campus and in the community. Early recipients worked for civil rights, against McCarthyism, and for peace in Vietnam. Recent grantees have been active in the struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of oppression; building the movement for economic justice; and creating peace through international anti-imperialist solidarity. The first and most important qualification for a Davis-Putter Scholarship is active participation in struggles for civil rights, economic justice, international solidarity or other progressive issues. We also evaluate the applicant's financial need and ability to perform academically at the college level. Davis-Putter scholars are both graduate and undergraduate students and must be enrolled in an accredited school and receiving college credit for the time period covered by their grant. Completed applications must be postmarked by April 1 and will include a short personal statement, transcripts, letters of support from two people able to evaluate the applicant's current political work, an official financial statement (i.e., FAFSA or SAR), and a passport-like photograph suitable for reproduction. Although citizenship is not a consideration, applicants must be living in the United States and planning to enroll in school in the US in order to apply. There is a strong preference for grantees who plan on staying in the US and building the movement here. The maximum grant is $6,000 and may be considerably smaller depending on the applicant's circumstances and the amount of funding available. Please do not request additional information about the application process until January. You can review the other information provided on this website to better understand the qualities successful applicants bring to the Fund. MORE INFORMATION WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE IN JANUARY AT Black Women Lawyers of Los Angeles Scholarship/Bar Grant. Deadline: April 11. Amount: Not stated. 1Ls cannot apply. Must submit a 5-page essay on a selected topic.

Search Engines:
College Board’s FUND FINDER
Scholarship Resource Network (SRN) Express


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