Friday, August 25, 2006


White House Summer Internship
The application deadline for the Summer 2008 White House Internship is February 26, 2008. If you know students and/or organizations that may beinterested in this information please share this with them.

We are looking for a well-qualified, diverse group of applicants who would like to intern here for President Bush.

A White House Internship is an opportunity for current students and recent graduates to experience everyday life at the White House while working with high-level officials on a variety of tasks and projects.

Strong applicants should exhibit: Sound academic credentials, a demonstrated interest in public service, solid written and verbal communication skills, a history of community involvement, and strong character and leadership skills.

Beyond experiencing the day-to-day operations of the White House, interns participate in a speaker series, tours, community service projects, and various White House events.

For more information please visit our website at: www.whitehouse. gov/intern. Applications should be submitted to intern_application@ whitehouse. gov on or before February 26, 2008 for the Summer 2008 Internship.

If you have any questions please contact White House Personnel at 202-456-5979. Thank you! Mr. Paris Dennard, The White House

PG&E Law Department's Diversity Pipeline Summer Program For 1Ls
We thrive on diversity at Pacific Gas and Electric Company and strive to cultivate a workplace where inclusion, acceptance and mutual respect are standard. We are also committed to increasing the diversity of attorneys practicing energy law. As part of this commitment, the Law Department has established a Diversity Pipeline Summer Program. The program will provide an opportunity for students who have completed their first year in law school to learn about the multifaceted energy practice. During the eight-week program at PG&E's San Francisco office, each student will receive a variety of work assignments in multiple practice areas which may include: litigation, commercial and regulatory. Each student will receive an hourly rate of compensation targeted to equate to a $6,000 per-month salary. Selection criteria include academic excellence, personal or professional achievement and a demonstrated commitment to diversity. Applications are due no later than February 22, 2008 and must include each of the following: Resume Writing sample Personal statement addressing selection criteria First-year, first-semester grades Please send applications by email to: Tanya Willacy at: The summer program is targeted to run from June 9 through August 1. Finalists will be interviewed.

SD DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE: Interviews for the Summer/Fall 2008
Certified Legal Internship Program

Contact Name: Victor Nunez, Deputy District Attorney
Coordinator/ Internship Program

Area of Practice: Criminal Prosecution

Job Title: 2008 Summer/Fall Law Clerk

Job Description: Assist in criminal prosecution. The intern will be responding to motions and will be allowed to go into court and argue the motions under the supervision of a Deputy District Attorney. If you are considering this employer for academic credit internship, submit your materials through the Career Services Resume Submission Program. You must then also submit your Internship application to the Internship Office and attend the Internship information sessions in accordance with your Internship Office procedures and deadlines.

Minimum 2L or 3L during Summer/Fall 2008
Requirements: Must have completed:
a. Evidence
b. Civil Procedure
c. Criminal Law
Top 50% of class ranking or 3.0 GPA
Intern must pass background investigation

Salary: Volunteer or Academic Credit

Requested Items: Resume, Cover Letter and Transcript

Deadlines: Paperwork Submission: March, 3, 2008
Interviews: March 10-14, 2008
Summer Start date: May 12, 2008
Summer End date: August 22, 2008
Fall Start Date: August 25, 2008
Fall End Date: December 19, 2008

Submit to: Office of the District Attorney
Attn: Kim Allen, Employee Relations
330 W. Broadway, Suite 1300
San Diego, CA 92101

The Greenlining Legal Academy

In pursuit of innovative legal strategies and advocacy, the Greenlining Legal Academy seeks to train law students to be skilled, ethical and creative agents for social change. In addition to learning practical legal skills such as interviewing, counseling, negotiating, writing and oral advocacy, students are urged to scrutinize the quality of justice for communities of color and low-income communities. The goal of the Greenlining Legal Academy is to provide students with the skills to protect and promote the interests of California’s most vulnerable populations: low-income, limited English-speaking and recent immigrants. The training of students in the Greenlining Academy is among the organization’s highest objectives. Students in the Academy are integrated immediately as part of the Institute staff and participate actively in the development, planning and implementation of the Institute’s projects.

The Greenlining Legal Fellowship is a year-long training program for young leaders who have completed law school and attained their Juris Doctorate by the start of the program. Legal Fellows will be assigned to a specific area of Greenlining’s consumer protection advocacy and will develop expertise in that area under the direction of Greenlining’s Legal Counsel and the Academy Director.Legal Fellows will work closely with Greenlining’s Legal Counsel by intervening and initiating legal actions before administrative bodies, such as the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Department of Insurance, and the Federal Reserve.

Legal Fellows will specialize in a specific area, such as telecommunications, energy, emerging technologies, banking or insurance. Recent Greenlining cases include the successful blocking of Liberty Mutual’s attempted rate increase, negotiation of diversity guarantees during the SBC/AT&T and Verizon/MCI mergers, public transparency reform of the executive compensation packages of California’s utilities, efforts to bridge the digital divide, and drawing attention to the declining diversity in the University of California system.Fellows will assist the Legal Counsel in communicating with Greenlining coalition members and organizing community efforts to support regulatory, legal and legislative programs. Fellows will participate in meetings with regulators, legislators, commissioners, top government officials, corporate CEOs, and political leaders on issues critical to Greenlining constituencies.

From these experiences Fellows will learn how to make strategic and tactical decisions to impact and implement public policy and gain experience working within political processes. Fellows will learn how to make creative use of the legal system to affect positive change for low-income and minority communities.


Candidates for the Legal Fellowship must be able to demonstrate the following:¨ JD candidates who expect to graduate and take the California Bar exam in 2008 OR recent law school graduates who are members of the California Bar Association.¨ Commitment to public interest lawyering and social justice.¨ Ability to multi-task and quickly adapt to changing objectives. ¨ Ability to thrive and contribute to a team-oriented working environment.¨ Ability to work well with diverse groups. ¨ Strong research, writing and communications skills.¨ Strong personal initiative and motivation

Applying for the Greenlining Legal Fellowship

A completed application consists of:¨ cover letter,¨ resume, ¨ writing sample (no more than 10 pages), ¨ 3 letters of recommendation and ¨ copy of law school transcripts.Application materials for the Legal Fellowship program must be postmarked by March 1, 2008. Applications that are not postmarked by the appropriate application deadline will not be considered. Compensation$40,000 salary + $150/month transportation stipend + health benefits + up to $2,000 in student loan interest payments + payment of California Bar membership feeMore informationContact Danielle Trimiew at (510) 926-4007 or email for more information.Danielle TrimiewAcademy DirectorThe Greenlining Institute1918 University Avenue, 2nd FloorBerkeley, CA 94704Ph: (510) 926-4007Fx: (510) 926-4010Email:

Deadline: March 1, 2008
More informationContact Danielle Trimiew at (510) 926-4007 or email for more information.

Summer 2008 Law and Human Rights Internship in New York City

The Opportunity Agenda is seeking candidates with ademonstrated commitment to social justice and equal opportunity, strongresearch and writing skills, and the initiative to take on new and innovative assignments. A sense of humor and a dose of modesty areessential.Description: First- or second-year law students will assist in legalresearch and writing to develop The Opportunity Agenda's Health Equity program. Some research topics may include the application ofinternational human rights laws to state constitutional and statutoryjurisprudence, analysis of existing state and federal policies thatprohibit discrimination and require service irrespective of race, gender, income, or other characteristics; new approaches to addressingsubconscious and structural bias in the health care system; andpromising policies for identifying and addressing bias and exclusion andpromoting healthcare equity. This work will link racial justice,women's and reproductive rights, immigrant rights, and anti-povertythemes as they relate to health care. The work will be supervised byThe Opportunity Agenda's Associate Counsel and Executive Director. Terms and Stipend: Our summer internships last from 8-10 weeks in ourNew York City office, starting in May or June 2008. Interns participatein the full activities of the staff of The Opportunity Agenda during the course of the summer, and work with leading members of the socialjustice advocates community. Some work may be completed off-site. Amodest stipend may be offered if needed to help off-set the cost ofhousing and personal items. Students are encouraged to seek matching funds from their home institutions. The Opportunity Agenda values adiverse workplace and encourages students with non-traditionalexperiences and from historically underrepresented groups to apply. Formore information about the work of The Opportunity Agenda, please visit <> .Deadlines: Please forward an electronic one-page resume, one-page cover letter, and short writing sample by Friday, January 11 to Kevin Please indicate in the subject line of theemail that the application is for a summer 2008 internship. Please, no phone calls.About the Organization: The Opportunity Agenda is a new progressivesocial justice organization that promotes opportunity and human rightsin the United States, bringing together legal and policy advocacy, social science research, and communications strategies. Our mission isto build the national will to expand opportunity in America. The Opportunity Agenda focuses on uniting communities in common strugglesthat incorporate racial justice, women's rights, immigrant rights and economic justice for all.The Opportunity Agenda, a project of the Tides Center, is an equalopportunity employer. We value a work place that is diverse in terms ofgender, race, class, geographic origin, sexual orientation, and other differences that enrich our society. <> (212)334-5977

The Supreme Court is accepting applications for a position as follows: Deputy Clerk
How To Apply:
· You may download the paper version from our website at: Under the Special Access and Application Help section and click the Judicial Council of California Employment Application link.
· Please visit the AOC Human Resources Division located on the 7th floor of 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco. You may obtain the written application form through our secretary at the front desk.
· You may apply online from our website at
o Search for job requisition(s) #: #3142 - Deputy Clerk
· Please be thorough and complete in filling out your application, (and supplemental questions, if applicable).
· You have the option of submitting a copy of your resume along with your application. The online application will allow you to upload an electronic copy of your resume.
· Thank you for reading. Please feel free to publicize this job announcement to any qualified candidates you know and have them apply online from our website at
Thank you and good luck!
Dia S. PooleSenior Governmental Affairs AnalystOffice of Governmental AffairsJudicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts770 L Street, Suite 700Sacramento, CA 95814916-323-3121, Fax: 916-323-4347,

Fish & Richardson is pleased to announce its 1L Diversity Fellowship Program for 2008. The program, which offers fellowships to five diverse first year law students, is a key component of the firm’s ongoing initiative to recruit, retain, and advance attorneys who will contribute to the diversity of our practice and of the legal profession. Founded in 1878, F&R is one of the nation's largest law firms practicing exclusively in the areas of intellectual property, litigation, and corporate law. The Fish & Richardson 1L Diversity Fellowship Program is comprised of three components: mentoring, a $5,000 scholarship, and a paid summer associate position in the domestic office of the student's choice. Applications for the 2008 fellowship will be accepted from December 1, 2007 through January 14, 2008. For more information about the Fellowship or to print out an application and a checklist of required support material, go to For more information about Fish & Richardson, please visit Summers are meant for swimming…so why not go where no two Fish are exactly the same?


If you are interested in a post bar graduate law clerk position with the Office of the San Diego District Attorney and you are taking the February 2008 bar exam, applications must be submitted between November 15 and December 1, 2007. If you are taking the July 2008 bar exam, applications must be submitted between April 15 and May 1, 2008. For application requirements and procedures, please contact our office.

The deadline for the San Diego Public Defender post bar internship program if you are taking the February 2008 bar exam is November 8, 2007. If you are taking the July 2008 bar exam, applications are typically due in March. Please check the website for further information or contact our office:

Please contact Wink Twyman if you are interested in the following opportunity.

I am currently working on a book manuscript about black careers. Towards this end, I have identified and sent questionnaires out to 100 African-American partners at the 50 largest law firms in the country. Can you recommend or suggest law students that might be interested in assisting with this research project?

The research assistant would have several tasks: (1) review and summarize the completed questionnaires received from black partners, (2) generate possible questions to ask selected partners in follow-up interviews, and (3) comment on selected portions of the draft manuscript. I cannot offer a stipend or financial payment. However, I can offer a letter of reference and recommendation to future employers as well as acknowledgment in the manuscript,

Note that I am a former law professor with experience in teaching Constitutional Law and Property. I graduated from Harvard Law School in 1986 and the University of Virginia in 1983. I now serve as a Field Attorney for the National Labor Relations Board.

I have also been active in past years in the Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association. I am enclosing an author's bio for your information. My agent is Sally van Haitsma of the Julie Castiglia Literary Agency.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.


Wink Twyman
(619) 269-5733 (home)
(619) 889-1851 (cell)

Wink Twyman is a graduate of Harvard Law School, where he specialized in constitutional law. Twyman was an associate for the prestigious Manhattan law firm Finley, Kumble, Wagner, Heine, Underberg, Manley, Myerson and Casey. His career has included a professorship at California Western School of Law, and service as a legal headhunter for the Fortune 500 recruiting service, Robert Half International. Twyman was also a congressional staff aide for Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), and assisted his political campaign. He currently practices law at the National Labor Relations Board.

His legal writings have been published in The Pennsylvania Lawyer, Authorship, Fellow Script, The Collegian (University of Richmond), The Intellectual Conservative. com, MIMI Magazine (reprinted in and Emerging, Georgetown Times, St. Croix Review, The National Black Law Journal (reprinted in The Lawyers Guild), Virginia Tax Review, San Diego Union-Tribune, Ohio History, and the South Carolina Law Review.

Twyman has extensive media experience as an activist on behalf of the black community. During the campaign against California’s Proposition 209 (a prohibitive Civil Rights initiative), Twyman was a frequent public radio panelist for KPBS-San Diego, and debated nationally renowned law professor and commentator, Gail Heriot, on KPBS television. Twyman has lectured before numerous college audiences and has testified before state and city committees relating to affirmative action and minority subcontractor programs. The Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association awarded Wink Twyman the Thurgood Marshall Award in recognition of his community service.

Wink Twyman lives in San Diego with his wife Schuyler and their three children. Schuyler Rainey Twyman, a Yale University graduate, is the great great granddaughter of the first black member of Congress, Joseph Hayne Rainey, who represented Georgetown, South Carolina from 1870-1879.

Visit for more jobs, clerkships and internships!!


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